
Membership Committee

Co-Chairs: Megan Dailey & Debi Swarner

Alex Tan Johns Hopkins University
Debi Swarner Dickinson College
Kristin McJunkins Yale University
Monica Maldari Fitchburg State University
Megan Dailey Syracuse University
Denis Larochelle Clark University
Eugene Rubin Marymount Manhattan College
Emily Henderson Northeastern University

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The benefits of NEAAHP membership

  1. Access the most up-to-date information, enhance your advising skills, and network with advisors and admissions representatives by attending conferences and other professional development opportunities.
  2. Join the conversation on the NEAAHP listserv, a private listserv for the exclusive use of NEAAHP advisor members. Unlike HLTHPROF, which is open to all national members including admissions officers and others, the NEAAHP listserv is restricted to NEAAHP advisor members.
  3. Develop as a leader by serving on the Board, presenting at conferences, or taking on other roles that serve the professional community.
  4. Participate as a voting member at annual business meetings and have a voice in the direction of the organization.
  5. Work in community with NEAAHP members whose supportive attitudes, plethora of talents, engaging personalities, and compelling devotion to their profession will inspire and energize you.

Membership eligibility criteria

NEAAHP membership is restricted to duly appointed advisors (i.e., those who spend significant amounts of time advising) at undergraduate colleges and universities, or at post-baccalaureate programs (including Master’s) that prepare students for doctoral programs in medicine. 

Admissions officers or those who are members of admissions committees of doctoral programs in medicine are invited to join the national association (NAAHP), but are not eligible to join NEAAHP (or have access to the NEAAHP email listserv).

How to join or renew

NEAAHP membership dues are collected online. Membership is a joint membership with NAAHP, the national professional organization.

  1. The annual individual membership dues correspond to the period of November 1 to October 31 of the following calendar year. 
  2. All memberships are individual (not institutional) and non-transferable.
  3. You will receive a dues receipt by e-mail. Please print for your records and proof of payment for institutional reimbursement, if necessary.