

In April 1968, the Buck Hill Falls Conference on Medical Education and the College-Medical School Interface drew representatives from 113 northeast medical schools, colleges, and universities to Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the Northeast Region of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Student Affairs, the meeting brought delegates together to identify and discuss the challenges faced in the transition from college to medical school and to establish communication between colleges and medical school admissions committees.

The Buck Hill Falls Conference was organized by Dr. Hugh Bennett, Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean, Hahnemann Medical College, who served as chairman of the organizing committee, Dr. Frederick Barnes, Professor of Medical Science, Brown University, and Dr. Martin Begun, Associate Dean, New York University School of Medicine, who served as vice-chairman.

The most important by-product of the Conference was the formation of a permanent committee on premedical affairs, now known as the Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NEAAHP), to meet regularly with and work closely with the Northeast Region of the AAMC Group of Student Affairs (NEGSA). In time, health professions advisors in other regions across the United States formed similar organizations. In 1974, the National Association of Advisors for Health Professions (NAAHP) was established to coordinate the activities and efforts of four independent regional associations, Central (CAAHP), Northeast (NEAAHP), Southeast (SAAHP), and West (WAAHP), so that health professions advisors across the nation could function together and speak with one voice. NAAHP encourages each regional association and each member to share more fully their experiences and information with other regions and advisors, and has given all advisors a nationally recognized forum in which to state their views and share their research studies.


Each year, NEAAHP recognizes members for their contributions to the organization with the Award for Outstanding Service and the Buck Hill '68 Award. The Carol Baffi-Dugan Award for Service is a leadership award presented at each NAAHP National Meeting.  

Award for Outstanding Service

Recognizes a NEAAHP member of at least ten years who has:

  • Contributed as a leader at the regional level
  • Exhibited a steadfast commitment to the improvement and growth of NEAAHP
  • Served as an advocate or liaison with other professional, scientific, public, or humanitarian organizations at the national or regional level


Past Outstanding Service Award Winners

  • 2011 – Carol Baffi-Duggan
  • 2012 – Lori Provost
  • 2013 – Connie O’Hara
  • 2014 – Dave Thurlow
  • 2015 – Grace Hershman
  • 2016 – Rhona Beaton
  • 2017 – Tom Langhorne
  • 2018 – Glenn Cummings
  • 2019 –
  • 2020 – Lolita Wood-Hill
  • 2021 – Lisa Kooperman

Buck Hill ‘68 Award

This award recognizes a NEAAHP member of at least 10 years who has volunteered significant and arduous effort on behalf of NEAAHP in one (1) or more of the following areas:

  • Ability to bridge gaps and/or build strong partnerships;
  • Commitment to improved access to Advising tools for all members;
  • Commitment to broaden their own knowledge
  • Promoting pride and action within the Health Professions Advising community.


Past Buck Hill ’68 Award Winners

  • 2011 – Paul Hines
  • 2012 –  John Friede
  • 2013 – David Verrier
  • 2014 – Jodi Domsky
  • 2015 – Carol Weisse
  • 2016 – Wendy Loughlin
  • 2017 – Julie Chanatry
  • 2018 – Libby Morsheimer
  • 2019 – Kate Fukawa-Connelly
  • 2020 – Kirsten Peterson
  • 2021 – Mel Govindan

Carol Baffi-Dugan Award for Service

Presented at the biannual NAAHP National Meeting to one member from each of the four regions. The award’s namesake is a long-term NAAHP leader who, through her selfless commitment to both her Regional Association (NEAAHP) and NAAHP, has set an example of dedicated service for all to follow. Learn more on the NAAHP website.


Carol Baffi-Dugan Award Winners for the NEAAHP region

  • 2016 – Jodi Domsky, Haverford College
  • 2018 – Debi Swarner, Dickinson College
  • 2020 – Connie O’Hara, St. Joe’s College
  • 2022 Kate Fukawa-Connelly, Princeton University