Fr. Joseph Walter Award for Outstanding Health Professions Advising
For years, members of the Central Association have done outstanding work in the area of advising and have made significant contributions not only to their home institutions but to the entire community of health professions advisors. The CAAHP would like to recognize and honor members of the Association who have had distinguished careers as advisors, impacting not only their own students, but the broader advising community. The Board of Directors established an award of recognition named in honor of Fr. Joseph L. Walter, CSC, a founding member of the CAAHP and NAAHP.
Several qualities of an outstanding advisor may be considered, including the following which are listed in no particular order of importance. These are examples of criteria to consider; not all criteria are necessary for consideration.
Has the nominee:
Made a significant contribution to his/her home institution, providing a model of service and professionalism to his/her students?
Served in leadership roles within the health professions advising community?
Mentored new health professions advisors?
Created and developed advising tools (web pages, books, bulletins, handouts, etc.) that have been shared with and used by other advisors?
Created external partnerships related to health professions advising?
Pursued research in the area of health professions advising?
Shared best practices within the health professions advising community, through publication of advising articles in The Advisor or presentations at conferences?
Any current or former member of the CAAHP/NAAHP who is serving or has previously served as a Health Professions Advisor, either as a staff or professional advisor, faculty advisor, or advising administrator, employed by a regionally accredited post-secondary institution, may be nominated for the Fr. Joseph Walter Award. His/her nomination will be evaluated taking into consideration the above-mentioned qualities.
Any member of CAAHP may nominate a peer advisor and self-nominations are accepted.
To enhance the nomination process, members of the Board of Directors will be asked to submit a nomination. Currently elected or appointed CAAHP board members are not eligible to receive the award.
2025 Nomination Form