Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

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The Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CDEI) has been established to integrate the language, values, and practices of equity and inclusion into the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP). Our goal is to foster excellence within our own ranks as we seek to prepare undergraduates to work in an increasingly diverse society. In doing so, we guide and support the NAAHP board on national and regional conference programming on issues regarding diversity and inclusion. Our charge includes the promotion of excellence by recruiting and retaining a diverse group of members and by creating a climate of respect that fosters equitable treatment and elimination of bias and social disparities in health care and outcomes. This mandate requires our providing structural competency through our publications, websites, and workshops to improve care on organizational levels and throughout all programs. Our ultimate goal is to create a climate for diversity, inclusion and excellence to attain the best health professions advising, service to our respective institutions, colleagues and students and the goals of this organization.

** PLEASE NOTE that the charge for CDEI on by-laws is from prior committee (Minority Affair Committee)**

Original Charge: The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion is charged with providing the Board of Directors with timely and pertinent advice on policy, recruitment strategies and programmatic themes that lead to enhanced participation of minority advisors and their students.

Recent Accomplishments

  • Representation on the 2018 and 2020 NAAHP National Meeting Program planning committee
  • Co-chairs of this committee assist national program planning committees identify and recruit speakers along with promoting and developing programs and events that bring about awareness on issues of diversity and inclusion as it related to both advisor professional development and their work with a diversity of students
  • Establishing and launching of regional CDIs
  • Establish and launch the NAAHP Community College Committee
  • Attending 2018 National Association of Medical Minority Educators (NAMME) to re-establish collaboration on pertinent issues related the undergraduate experience and preparation

At the 2018 National meeting

  • Incorporation of Professional Student Organizations as a resource for student and advisors by presenting to students prior to entering the Health Professions Fair and hosting a table within the fair as well
  • First NAAHP conference with a tour and visit to a Historically Black College/ University (HBCU) Howard University's colleges of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy
  • Presentations by Max
  • Presentation by Francisco
  • Collaboration with GSA-COSDA and GSA- COFSA

Northeast Region CDI

Presented at the Experienced Advisor Workshop during the 2017 regional meeting. The group has identified the underrepresented student groups in our region, their unique strengths as well as challenges, and strategies used at institutions to address them. We have also created a mission statement and are working on goals. We met during the 2018 national meeting and identified more key issues to investigate this year; eg. institutional elitism, students with disabilities.

How to Get Involved

We encourage any NAAHP or regional members (SAAHP, CAAHP, NEAAHP, WAAHP) interested in being involved with the Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CDEI) to reach out to their respective regional representative and inquire about any current projects or initiatives. Please note that regional representatives may also be involved and leading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives in your region where leadership and volunteer opportunities may exist. 

Misty Huacuja-LaPointe and Zuri Obado are the co-chairs of the committee and welcome inquiries about any of the CDEI initiatives.