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The Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CDEI) has been established to integrate the language, values, and practices of equity and inclusion into the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP). Our goal is to foster excellence within our own ranks as we seek to prepare undergraduates to work in an increasingly diverse society. In doing so, we guide and support the NAAHP board on national and regional conference programming on issues regarding diversity and inclusion. Our charge includes the promotion of excellence by recruiting and retaining a diverse group of members and by creating a climate of respect that fosters equitable treatment and elimination of bias and social disparities in health care and outcomes. This mandate requires our providing structural competency through our publications, websites, and workshops to improve care on organizational levels and throughout all programs. Our ultimate goal is to create a climate for diversity, inclusion and excellence to attain the best health professions advising, service to our respective institutions, colleagues and students and the goals of this organization.
** PLEASE NOTE that the charge for CDEI on by-laws is from prior committee (Minority Affair Committee)**
Original Charge: The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion is charged with providing the Board of Directors with timely and pertinent advice on policy, recruitment strategies and programmatic themes that lead to enhanced participation of minority advisors and their students.