
NAAHP does not sell email addresses but would be happy to send an HTML email message, an EBlast,  on behalf of your institution or organization to ALL of our membership categories, OR to our advisor, community college advisor, affiliate, and emeritus Membership Categories in one or more of our Regions. Information from NAAHP non-members must be reviewed and approved in advance.

Reaching Out to NAAHP Membership

Many of our constituents, both Patron members and others, often ask us how to reach out to advisors to communicate about programs, special events, changes in procedures, etc. An eBlast is one of the best options to be in touch with ALL membership categories of NAAHP to inform them of these topics. For additional methods of outreach, please see advertising opportunities with NAAHP.



NAAHP members have requested a decrease in the amount of advertising emails received from the organization so the following guidelines are now in place:

  • Only 6 total eBlasts will be distributed per calendar month.
  • Orders can be made in advance but must be paid-in-full and final artwork/content received AT LEAST ONE WEEK before anticipated distribution.
  • Submission of the eBlast Order Form does not guarantee the distribution date. After receipt of paid order and final artwork/content, you will be contacted directly with distribution date availability.
  • Available months can be viewed inside the eBlast Order Request Form.


Please login to receive Member pricing.
Pricing and distribution questions can be directed to Malinda Byrne mbyrne@naahp.org.

Member Pricing per eBlast

Pricing is current through September 2025.

Recipient Price
All NAAHP Members $475.00
Undergraduate Advisors (only) of one Specific Region

Non-Member Pricing per eBlast

Pricing is current through September 2025.

Recipient Price
All NAAHP Members $775.00
Undergraduate Advisors (only) of one Specific Region